Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Daily Faces

Continuing studies. Trying to do these daily. Just grabbing faces off tumblr or any news or fashion site.

Daily Sketch

I'm trying to keep myself honest here, but I'm admittedly not great at keeping those posted. Anyway, here's a sketch of Tanis Half-Elven that I"d like to come back to and finish. It's taking Elmore's classic design and giving it a sort of modern medieval fantasy update. Dark, gritty and more leather I guess.

Daily Sketch

Portrait of Alliser Thorne, from Game of Thrones. Just in time to rest.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Back again after hibernating for a while.

Looking toward tumblr for a warm up today. Trying to get back into updating this blog, if only to keep myself honest. I'm trying to do a warm up and cool down everyday, even if I am painting traditionally that day. My oils have kept me pretty busy these last few months, and I've been traveling for work both around the country and internationally. But I try not to allow myself excuses. So here goes, time to level up!